Javascript Assigning Variable from Async Function [duplicate]

I have a function that runs through an array of class objects asynchronously and returns an array of strings.
Note that I am just using regular javascript. I call this function to set a variable that I am to use later. When I go to call the variable I get that it is of the type promise and is “pending” below is the output I get.

Promise {[[PromiseState]]: 'pending', [[PromiseResult]]: undefined}

When I dig into it it, it states

[[PromiseResult]]: Array(500001)
[[PromiseState]]: 'fulfilled'
[[Prototype]]: Promise

Below is the function and how I am setting the variable.

async function objectArrayToStringArrayAsync(objectArray, threadCount = 1) {
    if(objectArray.length < threadCount)
        threadCount = 1;

    let stringArray = [];
    let taskArray = [];
    let interval = Math.floor(objectArray.length / threadCount);

    for( i = 0; i < threadCount; i ++) {
        let indexStart = interval * i;
        let indexEnd = interval * (i + 1);
        if(i == threadCount - 1 ) {
            indexEnd = objectArray.length;

        if(i == 0) {
            stringArray.push(Object.keys(objectArray[0]).join(',') + "rn");
        taskArray.push(async function() {
            let result = [];
            for(j = indexStart; j < indexEnd; j++) {
                result.push(Object.values(objectArray[j]).join(',') +"rn");
            return result;

    // not sure why it is not working. Dynamicall typed languages are not my favourite
    for(k = 0; k < threadCount; k ++) {
        stringArray = stringArray.concat(await taskArray[k]);
    console.log("row count inside of async function " + stringArray.length);
    return stringArray

let stringArray = objectArrayToStringArrayAsync(objectArray, 2);

I am used to async in other languages such as C# where I can await the function. such as let stringArray = await objectArrayToStringArrayAsync(objectArray, 2);

This does not seem to work. I also saw documentation on using then, however I was unable to get it to properly use it. I simply want to set my stringArray variable and use it right away as an array further in my code. The project is only to be done in javascript, no typescript. Not sure what I need to do next, some assistance would be greatly appreciated.
