How to write a custom JSON.stringify() function for preserving .0 float values from Ajax responses

I need to write a custom JSON.stringify function that ensures numbers that end with .0 retain their decimal values, like when passed through .toFixed(). I understand that this is not how javascript numbers work, the requirement comes from my users. If a value an integer and does not include a .0, it should remain an integer without a decimal place. If a value is a float, it should remain a float. And if a value is a float with any .0000… type empty value in the decimal place, it should remain a float with the same number of zeroes in the decimal place.

I have written the following function:

function monacoStringify(json: any, spacing: number) {
    return JSON.stringify(json, (key: string, value: any) => {
        if(typeof value === 'number') {
            const numString = `${value}`;
            const dotIdx = numString.indexOf('.');
            if(dotIdx !== -1) {
                const dotSplit = numString.split('.');
                const numsAfterDecimal = dotSplit[1].length;
                return value.toFixed(numsAfterDecimal);
            return value;
        return value;
    }, spacing)

export default monacoStringify;

That I directly pass the following Ajax response:

Ajax response

But the value variable on line 3 is 13, not 13.0 like it says in the developer console’s network response tab.

Is there any way to keep these values formatted exactly the way they are received?