Adding items to list app with the enter key has made other features not work properly

List app works great until I add a keydown for the enter key. I can only get it to work if it’s outside of the newItem() function. When I have the keydown function inside of newItem() function, the input field just clears and I don’t get any errors, but nothing submits.

My problem is when I put the keydown function outside of newItem() function, the crossOutButton(), strike css feature, and sortable() don’t work because they’re now outside of the scope. I’m guessing there is a solution to where it can all go inside the newItem() function, but I’m stuck.

  <form name="toDoList">
                <input type="text" name="listItem" id="input">

            <div onclick="newItem()" id="button">Add</div>
            <ol id="list"></ol>

function newItem() {

//Adds new item to the list
let li = $('<li></li>');
let inputValue = $('#input').val();

if (inputValue === '') {
    alert('You must write something');
} else {
    //clears input field after selecting 'Add' button

//Crossing out an item from the list of items
function crossOut() {

li.on('dblclick', function crossOut() {

//Adding the delete button 'X'
let crossOutButton = $('<crossOutButton></crossOutButton>');

crossOutButton.on('click', deleteListItem);
//Adding class delete (display: none) from css
function deleteListItem() {

//reordering the items


//keydown function to listen for enter key
    $(document).ready(function() {
        $('#input').keydown(function(e) {
        //initialized variable and set as undefined
        let inputValue;
        if (inputValue === '') {
                alert("You must enter something");
        } else {
                //Enter key holds the value of 13
                if (e.keyCode === 13) {
                let li = `<li>${$(this).val()}</li>`;
                console.log('Form submitted');
                //clears input field after hitting enter