Rehype to render hashtag as url

Trying to make a something like #tag render as a URL the markdown editor MDEditor using rehypeRewrite. Here’s what I have so far

const REG = /B(#[a-zA-Z]+b)(?!;)/gi;

    style={{width: "100%", height: "100%"}} 
    onChange={(event) => {
        setValue(event || '');
        rehypePlugins: [
                rewrite: (node : any, index: any, parent: any) => {
                if (node.type === "element" && node.tagName === "p") {
                    let text = getCodeString(node.children);
                    if (REG.test(text)) {
                        node.children = [
                            type: 'link',
                            url: '',
                            children: [{type: 'text', value: text} ]

The regex properly matches the text but instead of the node being replaced with a link, it just doesn’t render anything.

Any guidance on what I may be doing wrong would be much appreciated