Color Thresholding JS, Average Image Color Detect JS

I had watched the following tutorial and tried the same. What I expect is, I want to change the background color of document based on the color of video stream. But it is always returning rgb(0,0,0).

‘use strict’;

try {

const w = window,

    d = document,

    ng = navigator,

    id = e => {

        return d.getElementById(e)


    cn = id('lh'),

    i = id('i'),

    o = id('o'),

    cx = cn.getContext('2d', {

        willReadFrequently: true


    face = r => ng.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({

        video: {

            facingMode: {

                exact: 'user'



    }).then(s => {

        i.srcObject = s;

        i.onloadedmetadata = e => {

            setInterval(() => {

                let c = 0,

                    k = -4,

                    h = cn.height = i.videoHeight,

                    w = cn.width = i.videoWidth,

                    dt = cx.getImageData(0, 0, w, h),

                    io =,

                    dl = io.length,

                    R, G, B;

                R = G = B = 0;

                cx.drawImage(i, 0, 0, w, h);

                o.src = cn.toDataURL('image/webp');

                while ((k += r * 4) < dl) {


                    R += io[k];

                    G += io[k + 1];

                    B += io[k + 2]


                ['R', 'G', 'B'].forEach(e1 => {

                    eval(e1 + '=' + `~~(${e1}/c)`)


                let rgb = `rgb(${R},${G},${B})`;

       = rgb

            }, -1)




} catch (e) {



I expect it should change the background color of document based on video stream.