CSS not applied to an “input” field added by jQuery within a Symfony 6 form

I am a bit confused and I am not very familliar with CSS/JS.
I try to dynamically add an “input” field to my form in order to add an author of a document.
Adding the field technically works as it takes a text and upload it in the database.
Yet the added “input” field with jQuery does not take the CSS properties of the webpage. The field 1 should look like the field 0.

CSS Issue

I checked in the web dev tool and indeed the css elements are different for the two input fields.


Although the classes are identical to the two input fields, the applied css is different.
So that’s why i am confused. There must be something else managing the css of the input field so I guess the parent with pseudo-element maybe. Moreover I read here that JS cannot work with pseudo-element or that we have to use other ways.

Sorry If I ask a stupid question but is my issue really with pseudo-elements ? And if yes, is it possible to update the styling with the newly added element or is my issue completely different than I think ?