How to delete and modify specific Google ad using Google Apps script

Now I’m trying to make script to delete and duplicate targeted ads which I give below as Ad ID.

Before deleting the ads, copy it and duplicate it to under the same ads group which was belonging to.

For example, here’s targeted Ad information.


I want to delete adId:’8901234567′ and duplicate it to under adGroupId.
Also, I will use MCC account.

Type of ad is “responsive video ads”
*here’s a reference; Support for Responsive Video Ads in Scripts

I wrote script as below.
However, everytime I got an error
Error: No more values at main (Code:23:8)

although ad adGroupId and adId is existing and active.

function main() {
  var targetAccountId = '123-456-7890'; // Account ID
  var campaignId = '1234567890'; // Campaign ID to be added
  var adGroupId = '0987654321'; // Ad group ID
  var adId = '8901234567'; // Ad ID

  // Select and iterate over accounts within the MCC.
  var accountIterator = AdsManagerApp.accounts()

  while (accountIterator.hasNext()) {
    var account =;; // Selecting the child account.

    // Log for clarity.
    Logger.log('Processing account: ' + account.getCustomerId());

    // Attempt to find and process the specific campaign, ad group, and ad.
    var campaign = AdsApp.campaigns()

    var adGroup = campaign.adGroups()

    var adIterator =

    if (adIterator.hasNext()) {
      var adToDuplicate =;
      // Ensure it's a responsive video ad before proceeding.
      if (adToDuplicate.getType() === 'VIDEO_AD') { // This type check might need to be adjusted.
        // Duplicate ad logic goes here. As an example:
        var newAdOperation = adGroup.newVideoAd().responsiveVideoAdBuilder()
          // Builder methods to replicate the ad's properties.
          // Note: Actual methods will vary based on the ad's specifics.

        if (newAdOperation.isSuccessful()) {
          // Remove the original ad after successful duplication.
          Logger.log('Ad duplicated and original ad removed for account ' + account.getCustomerId());
        } else {
          Logger.log('Failed to create duplicate ad for account ' + account.getCustomerId());
      } else {
        Logger.log('The specified ad is not a responsive video ad for account ' + account.getCustomerId());
    } else {
      Logger.log('Ad not found in account ' + account.getCustomerId());