How to open a page in a new tab after finalize purchase in woocommerce

How can I set up my checkout page so it opens in a new tab while still maintaining the regular WooCommerce behavior when the user presses the confirm purchase button?
I want to add a new method to the WooCommerce button so it opens a new tab.

I tried this in a Elementor HTML block:

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    var abrirContratoButton = document.getElementById('place_order');
    if (abrirContratoButton) {
        abrirContratoButton.addEventListener('click', function(event) {

            var firstName = document.getElementById('billing_first_name').value;
            var lastName = document.getElementById('billing_last_name').value;
            var cpfCnpj = document.getElementById('billing_cpf_cnpj').value;

            localStorage.setItem('billing_first_name', firstName);
            localStorage.setItem('billing_last_name', lastName);
            localStorage.setItem('billing_cpf_cnpj', cpfCnpj);

            window.location.href = abrirContratoButton.getAttribute('href');