Open next tab using puppeteer

How can I open next tab upon closing existing tab? The main thing here is I have a continuasly reloading pages in executingFunctions and as soon as one of the pages has proper html, puppeteer starts to interact with it, closes it and opens a new one. But what if I don’t want this page to be interacted and I want to close it.


export default async function concurrentOrders(limit, links) {
  const executingFunctions = [];

  let currentIndex = 0;

  while (currentIndex < links.length) {
    while (executingFunctions.length < limit && currentIndex < links.length) {
      const link = links[currentIndex];

      const promise = createBuyOrderPromise( => {
        const index = executingFunctions.indexOf(promise);
        if (index !== -1) executingFunctions .splice(index, 1);

    await Promise.race(executingFunctions);


export default async function createBuyOrderPromise(link) {
  return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
    try {
      const page = await makeConnection();  // launch in existing browser using puppeteer (via webSocketUrl)
      await gotoMarketItemPage(page, link);
      await closeTabPage(page);     // closing tab
    } catch () {


export default async function gotoMarketItemPage(page) {
  try {
    await page.goto(page,
        waitUntil: "domcontentloaded",
        timeout: 0,

    const image = await page.$(itemImageSelector);

    if (image) elementFound = true;
    if (!image) await page.reload();

Tried to implement puppeteer’s

     await page.on("close", () => {

with passing reject function to gotoMarketItemPage

in gotoMarketItemPage.js but it made it work like:
if I close one of html loaded pages without the content that I need, this action stops reloding other pages in process in addition to that it stops adding up a page to the stack.

P.S. That is not full version of code for the sake of understanding. Sorry for bad explanation. Let me know if I can clarify this.