In Winwheel.js using calculatePrize result when finish the whell

I am working on Winwheel.js for draw. Everything works fine but I’m stuck somewhere. When the wheel is turned, I get some datas with axios from back and the result is determined. I want to use this response when the wheel is stopped, I tried many of things but I didn’t do it.

let theWheel = new Winwheel({
                //wheel settings//       
                'segments'        :             
                   {'fillStyle' : '#008000', 'text' : '150 Coin', 'textFontSize' : 13, 'textFillStyle' : '#ffffff'},

                'animation' :          
                    'type'     : 'spinToStop',
                    'duration' : 10,    
                    'spins'    : 3,    
                    'callbackFinished' : alertPrize,
                    'callbackSound'    : playSound,  
                    'soundTrigger'     : 'pin'        
                'pins' :                // Turn pins on.
                    'number'     : 10,
                    'fillStyle'  : 'silver',
                    'outerRadius': 4,
async function calculatePrize(){
                let result = await"/draw-reward-win-wheel/", {}).then((response) => {
                let stopAt;
                if( == '150') stopAt = (1 + Math.floor((Math.random() * 30)));
                //Other possibilities

                theWheel.animation.stopAngle = stopAt;

            }).catch((err) => {


            async function alertPrize(code)
                //I need here