Do you know why the error message “TypeError: expressJwt is not a function” is appearing? How can it be fixed?

const expressJwt = require('express-jwt')

function authJwt() {
    const secret = process.env.secret
    return expressJwt({
        algorithms: ['HS256']

module.exports = authJwt
return expressJwt({

TypeError: expressJwt is not a function
    at authJwt (C:code-wldnfinal-projectwldn-apihelpersjwt.js:5:12)
    at Object.<anonymous> (C:code-wldnfinal-projectwldn-apiapp.js:18:9)

enter image description here

ASAP… I tried to resolve the error message “TypeError: expressJwt is not a function” by ensuring that express-jwt is properly imported and used as a function in the jwt.js file. I expected the error to be resolved, allowing the application to run without any issues related to expressJwt. However, the error persisted despite my attempts to address it.