check if a specific div exists by class and data attribute without looping all the elements with that class

I have several divs in my UI with the same class. Each of them has a different data-id.
I want to check if one of the divs has a specific value for the data-id.
I can do it with .each() but was wondering if there is a way not to iterate every time on all the divs.
If I find a div (by class and data-id value) I need to manipulate its content. If I don’t find any div that satisfy the two criteria then I will perform some different activities.

What I have now (works but iterates every time the Dom)

let found = false;
        //I have found what I am looking for
        //do my stuff
        found = true;
    //I have not found what I was looking for
    //so I will add the div with that class and data-id

There can be even more then 10 divs with that class and this event will fire even 100 times a minute so performance may be impacted.