rxjs function not running

I am trying to wait for a function to run in async context in rxjs, but I cannot get the function to run:

export async function scan(options: TaskOptions) {
  console.log("running scan");
  await setTimeout(5000);

  return true;

export const queue$ = new Subject<TaskOptions>();
const scanTasks$ = new Subject<TaskOptions>();

export const scanResult$ = scanTasks$.pipe(
  switchMap((options) =>
    // Doesn't run
      map(() => ({ error: undefined, success: true })),
      catchError((error: Error) => of({ error, success: false }))

queue$.subscribe((options) => {
  console.log("queue subscribe"); // runs

// async context

await firstValueFrom(scanResult$)

I also tried to add .subscribe to the end of the pipe at scanResult$. What would be the proper way to get the function to run