getPropertyValue sometimes returns empty string for CSS custom property

I am rendering the following style very early in the <head> :

:root {
    --enhanced: false;
@supports (selector(:not(.foo))) and
    (aspect-ratio: 1 / 1) and
    (margin-block-start: 1rem) and
    (gap: 1rem) and
    (display: grid) and
    (--css: variables) and
    (object-fit: cover) and
    (display: flex) {

    :root {
        --enhanced: true;

Then, later, after Google Tag Manager has loaded on the page, I am then running some JavaScript to get the value of the CSS custom property that was declared:

var enhancedExperience = getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('html')).getPropertyValue('--enhanced');
if (enhancedExperience && enhancedExperience.indexOf('true') > -1) {
    return 1;
else if (enhancedExperience && enhancedExperience.indexOf('false') > -1) {
    return 0;
else {
    return enhancedExperience;

I have deployed this code to a website with a very high amount of traffic to run an experiment. And I have found that roughly 16% of the time it returns an empty string. And it is happening on a diverse range of browsers including the latest versions of all major browsers.

Why might this be? I thought perhaps race condition but considering the CSS custom property is declared so early on in the <head> and the JavaScript doesn’t run until GTM is loaded, is that possible?