Function to change object properties conditionally

My task is to write a function that takes an object like the one below and deletes the “shelvesInCupboards” and “shelvesNotInCupboards” properties if they are present and adds a new property with their sum “totalShelves”. I am not sure how to add my respective delete statements to get rid of the two mentioned properties without also altering my new “totalShelves” value.

Example object:
shelvesInCupboards: 3,
shelvesNotInCupboards: 2,

function sortTheKitchen(kitchen) {
kitchen["totalShelves"] = 0;
if (kitchen["shelvesInCupboards"] && kitchen["shelvesNotInCupboards"]) {
  totalShelves = kitchen["shelvesInCupboards"] + kitchen["shelvesNotInCupboards"]
if (kitchen["shelvesInCupboards"] && !kitchen["shelvesNotInCupboards"]) {
  totalShelves = kitchen["shelvesInCupboards"]
if (!kitchen["shelvesInCupboards"] && kitchen["shelvesNotInCupboards"]) {
  totalShelves = kitchen["shelvesNotInCupboards"]
return kitchen;