How to change style of MUI InputBase when is disabled?

I have gone through so many answers and documentations, but none of the tentatives is working for me. I am very noob to javascript/mui library, so I am trying everything that I am finding to be honest.

I need to keep this disabled={props.viewer == true}, this is version of my package "@mui/material": "^5.10.11"

This is my code:

    <a href={card.familyLink} target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
            disabled={props.viewer == true}

I tried all of this sx below, but none of them applied the style needed, what should I do?


sx={{ "&.MuiInputBase-input": {
        "&:disabled": {
            fontFamily: 'Poppins', fontSize: '14px', textDecoration: 'underline', color: "blue", cursor: 'pointer'
        "&.Mui-disabled": {
            fontFamily: 'Poppins', fontSize: '14px', textDecoration: 'underline', color: "blue", cursor: 'pointer'

In this one I tried: "&.Mui-disabled", "&:disabled", "Mui-disabled &", etc