Data is not showing on double button click in reactjs

I am working on reactjs web app where i have a search bar in my home page where user can search within the website and then i am getting that search input and finding data from the firestore and i am going to the new page with the data i got from firestore and then showing the data everytning is working fine but as soon as i clikced again on the search button the data becomes null why ??

my code is

const searchFirestore = async () => {
    try {
      let query = dataref.collectionGroup("room_details");
      if (lastVisible) {
        query = query.startAfter(lastVisible);
      // Add a filter based on the search input
      if (searchInput.trim() !== "") {
        query = query.where("address", "array-contains", searchInput.trim());
        const snapshot = await query.limit(5).get();
        const newData = =>;      
        navigation(`/rooms_in` , {state : {newData : newData}})
        setFirebaseData(newData); // Update the state with search results
        if ( > 0) {
          setLastVisible([ - 1]);
        } else {

        toast.success("search field empty!!")
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("Error searching Firestore:", error);

I have called the search firestore method on the button Search.

the code where i am coming with the data

    const [firebaseData, setFirebaseData] = useState([])

 useEffect(() => {


    }, [location])

and then i am setting the data in the component but when i clicked the button search again it does not shows the data. Why this is happening???