Javascript Local Storage seems to be loading nonexistent items

I have a simple to-do list app and I want to save/load the added items. I’m using the following code to add an item to localStorage each time an item is added:

localStorage.setItem("LIST_ITEM_" + makeid(24), uinput); //makeid() generates random strings

I’m setting the key to LIST_ITEM_ and a random 24-character string

I am using the following code to load items from localStorage:

for (i in localStorage) { // Iterate through the cookies
    for (const [key,value] of Object.entries(localStorage)) { // Create key-value pairs for each
        if (key.includes("LIST_ITEM")) { // Check if the key is a LIST_ITEM
            // Create elements to display the item

The problem comes in on the page where it seems to load each item 8 times instead of just once as it should.

I ran this code to see what was inside localStorage:
for (i in localStorage) {console.log(localStorage[i])}

And got this:

VM1809:1 w
VM1809:1 2
VM1809:1 ƒ clear() { [native code] }
VM1809:1 ƒ getItem() { [native code] }
VM1809:1 ƒ key() { [native code] }
VM1809:1 ƒ removeItem() { [native code] }
VM1809:1 ƒ setItem() { [native code] }

The keys that have actually been input are “w,” and “ww”.

The page displays:


8 times.

Not sure what I’ve done wrong but that is definitely not supposed to happen.