How to make Monaco editor show n or ” in the editor

I have the following problem, I want Monaco editor to literally show me the characters as I passed them in the value, to show n and . But it couldn’t, any suggestions?

this is my code

editor_source = monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById('editor_source'), {
    value: "{n  "message": "¡Hello World!", n  "status": "successful"n}",
    language: 'plaintext',
    wordWrap: 'on',
    tabSize: 2,
    indentSize: 2,

This is what it looks like in the editor

  "message": "¡Hello World!", 
  "status": "successful"


and I want it to show like this

{n  "message": "¡Hello World!", n  "status": "successful"n}

thank you very much for your help