how can i resolve the error which appear during the widget loading?

The main goal of my development is to create a widget. this widget allow to retrieve audit objects with java by using REST API and maplist and then display audit objects into a table which will be in front of the web page.

Here is the error I have when compiling :

Widget instance #preview-14cfca: requireDs: Failed to load module "DS/ENODocumentChangeControlUX/MiniWidgetAssignment/QUMWidgetAssignment" due to error "scripterror" for module: ["DS/ENODocumentChangeControlUX/MiniWidgetAssignment/QUMWidgetAssignment"] Error: Script error for: DS/ENODocumentChangeControlUX/MiniWidgetAssignment/QUMWidgetAssignment at makeError ( at HTMLScriptElement.onScriptError ( Error: Script error for: DS/ENODocumentChangeControlUX/MiniWidgetAssignment/QUMWidgetAssignment at makeError (AmdLoader.js:1:2563) at HTMLScriptElement.onScriptError (AmdLoader.js:1:17195)

what i want is to resolve the error.