Everything works besides the turning the visibity from ‘startButtonGame’ back to visible

I am developing a blackjack game. everything has been working so far besides for this little detail. Basically the start game button should only be visible before a game and after a game. I have no problem with making the visibility hidden but it does not work the other way around when I finish a game.

function startGame() {
    startGameButton.style.visibility = "hidden";
    if (!player.playerName) {
        player.playerName = prompt("What's your name?")
        player.chips = 100

        playerEl.textContent = "Player: " + player.playerName;

    if (cards.length < 2) {
        let bet = prompt('how much do you want to bet (chips: ' + player.chips + ')')
        player.chips = player.chips - bet;
        chipsEl.textContent = "Chips: " + player.chips;

    let firstCard = randomCard();
    let secondCard = randomCard();
    cards = [firstCard, secondCard];
    let tableFirstCard = randomCard();
    let tableSecondCard = randomCard();
    tableCards = [tableFirstCard, tableSecondCard];
    let message = "";
    let hasBlackJack = false;
    let isAlive = true;

    sum = firstCard + secondCard;
    newCardButton.style.visibility = "visible";
    startGameButton.textContent = "New Game";

    if (sum < 21) {
        message = "Do you want to draw a new card?";
    } else if (sum === 21) {
        message = "You've got Blackjack!";
        newCardButton.style.visibility = "hidden";
        startGameButton.style.visibility = "visible";
        player.chips = player.chips + bet * 2
        hasBlackJack = true;
    } else {
        startGameButton.style.visibility = "visible";
        isAlive = false;
        message = "Bad luck! You're out of the game!";

    messageEl.textContent = message;
    cardsEl.textContent = "Cards: " + firstCard + " " + secondCard;
    tableCardsEl.textContent = "Table Cards: " + tableSecondCard + " " + tableSecondCard;
    sumEl.textContent = "Sum: " + sum;
    console.log("blackjack: " + hasBlackJack);
    console.log("is Alive: " + isAlive);

I have tried to even switch it around to see if it makes any difference all that happens in:

if (sum < 21) {
        message = "Do you want to draw a new card?";
    } else if (sum === 21) {
        message = "You've got Blackjack!";
        newCardButton.style.visibility = "hidden";
        startGameButton.style.visibility = "visible";
        player.chips = player.chips + bet * 2
        hasBlackJack = true;
    } else {
        startGameButton.style.visibility = "visible";
        isAlive = false;
        message = "Bad luck! You're out of the game!";

everything in the if statement is happening aside from the visibility part.

if you need more context here is a link to the code: https://github.com/pedrosilva410/blackjack-game