How to resolve fetch with async await (JS) without using then chain

How to resolve the promise that return from fetch in a async/await fn? Is this even possible?


async function getData() {
  const data = await fetch([url]);
  const parsedData = await data.json() // or data.text()
  return parsedData;

const data = getData(); // console.log(data) ---> shows unresolved promise object

//Works with .then() chain return

const data = getData().then(res => res);
// Second example except using a middle layer async/await function:

async function getData() {
  const data = await fetch([url]);
  const parsedData = await data.json() // or data.text()
  return parsedData;

async function processData() {
  const data = await getData();

const da = processData();

Is there a way to do it without the .then() or two async/await functions as shown in the first example?