Is it wrong to place the tag after the tag? [duplicate]

I was reading this book. In one of the codes in chapter 5 of the book, I saw the code below:

<!-- index.html file -->
  <meta charset="utf-8" />
  <script src=""></script>
<div id="app"></div>

<script type="module">

  import GlobalApp from "./global-app.js";

  var app = Vue.createApp({
    components : {
    template : "<GlobalApp />"

  var vm = app.mount("div#app");


That code is for a main html file that runs a vue app (not in SFC format). If you notice the code, it put script type="module" tag after </body> tag. I know that there are some similar questions like this one in this problem. But I could not found anything about script type="module" in none of them. I want to know that is this usage wrong or non-valid that we put script type="module" after </body>?