How can I determine if there is an event handler attached to a child node?

I have a simple react component defined as such:

export function ClickableContainer({onClick, children}) {
  return <div onClick={(event) => {
  }>{ children }</div>

Sometimes I might want to have clickable things inside this component:

export function Page() {
  return <ClickableContainer onClick={() => alert("stop poking me")}>
    <button onClick={() => alert("me like that")}>Please Click</button>

I want to find a way to modify ClickableContainer such that clicks on its children don’t also register as clicks on the parent element.

Let me make it clear, I am aware I could do:

export function Page() {
  return <ClickableContainer onClick={() => alert("stop poking me")}>
    <button onClick={(event) => {
      alert("me like that");
    }}>Please Click</button>

But I DO NOT want to do this. I would rather save the users of my component the cognitive load and handle it inside the parent.

I have tried:

export function ClickableContainer({onClick, children}) {
  return <div onClick={(event) => {
    if (event.eventPhase !== 3) onClick(event);
  }>{ children }</div>


export function ClickableContainer({onClick, children}) {
  return <div onClick={(event) => {
    if (event.currentTarget == onClick(event);
  }>{ children }</div>

But these prevent clicks from registering altogteher.

It doesn’t have to be simple or pretty, is there any way to tell if an event has already been handled by a child component?