Circular progress bar based on percentage

I’m working on a js code where circular progress bar shows based on ratings. But there’s an issue. Now total value is 10 set for progress bar. So I can enter max 10 in here. If I enter 9%, it not works as because max-value is 10. But I want something like that, if I enter any number with percent, like that 70% 85% 35%, the the value / max value will work as 100. How can I do it ?

Here’s my code:

    $(document).ready(function() {
      let val = $(".ratings").html();
      const progressBar = $('[role="progressbar"]');
      progressBar.attr('aria-valuenow', val); // Set the value to aria-valuenow attribute
      progressBar.css('--value', val); // Set the value to --value CSS custom property
div[role="progressbar"] {
      --size: 3rem;
      --fg: #369;
      --bg: #def;
      --pgValue: var(--value);
      --pgPercentage: calc(var(--pgValue) * 10);
      width: var(--size);
      height: var(--size);
      border-radius: 50%;
      display: grid;
      place-items: center;
        radial-gradient(closest-side, white 80%, transparent 0 99.9%, white 0),
        conic-gradient(var(--fg) calc(var(--pgPercentage) * 1%), var(--bg) 0);
      font-size: calc(var(--size) / 3.5);
      color: var(--fg);
<script src=""></script>
<div class="ratings" style="display: none;">9.5</div>
    <div role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="10" style="--value:"></div>