How to call properly from Plugin to inject meta data in a specific component

I am trying to implement a ‘application/ld+json’ in the header whenever I use the Item collapse component. To not have dublicate script tags in the head I am trying to inject the json data from a plugin whenever I need it. I am using nuxt3 and vue3 js in my setup. I am pretty sure the call for the addLdScript is wrong I am just not sure how to properly do that.

That’s my code:

export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
    const metaLdScripts = []

    nuxtApp.addLdScript = (script) => metaLdScripts.push(script)

    const attachLdScripts = () => {
        const head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]

        metaLdScripts.forEach((script) => {
            const scriptTag = document.createElement('script')

            scriptTag.type = 'application/ld+json'
            scriptTag.text = JSON.stringify(script)


    nuxtApp.hook('render:route', (url, result, context) => {

    <div v-editable="blok" class="c-item c-item-collapse">
        <button @click="toggleCollapse" class="c-item-collapse__header">
            <div class="c-item-collapse__title">
                <ui-headline size="0" :tagName="blok.title_headline">
                    {{ blok.title }}
            <div class="c-item-collapse__actions">
                <ui-icon v-if="!isCollapsed" icon="circle-minus" />
                <ui-icon v-else icon="circle-plus" />

        <div v-show="!isCollapsed" class="c-item-collapse__content">
                v-for="blok in blok.items"

<script setup>
import { ref, onMounted, inject } from 'vue'

const isCollapsed = ref(true)

function toggleCollapse() {
    isCollapsed.value = !isCollapsed.value

const { blok } = defineProps({ blok: Object })

const $addLdScript = inject('addLdScript')

onMounted(() => {
        '@context': '',
        '@type': 'FAQPage',
        mainEntity: [
                '@type': 'Question',
                name: blok.title,
                acceptedAnswer: {
                    '@type': 'Answer',
                        (item) => item.body?.content[0]?.content[0]?.text

<style lang="scss">
.c-item-collapse {
    @apply p-8 bg-white rounded-xl md:rounded;

    .ui-section--bg-white & {
        // box-shadow: 0px 0px 25px 0px #22222214;
        @apply bg-gray-light;

    &__header {
        @apply flex justify-between items-center text-graphite w-full;

    &__actions {
        @apply flex items-center;

    &__title {
        @apply font-black font-barlow text-left text-sm md:text-base;

    &__content {
        @apply pt-4 text-xs md:text-base;

.c-item-collapse + .c-item-collapse {
    @apply mt-2 md:mt-4;

Error: $addLdScript is not a function.

Any hints are much appreciated!