How can I wait for variable to be set in a service-worker for Chrome Extension

I am building a Chrome Extension that does Speach-to-Text to a Google Document. In my service-worker I am receiving the processed text (via port messaging, so is periodic), so it can be sent to be written but I can also receive commands if the user wants to insert a new paragraph, create a bullet list, etc. When I recieve a command I have a function that manages it checkCommand(currCommand); that looks like this:

const checkCommand = (cmd) => {
const commands = {
    'foo command': () => {
        console.log('This command should create a bullet list');
        if(currListType !== null){
        callGoogleAPIScript(myToken, 'createBulletList',currListType);
        formatingMode = false;
    'bar command': () => {
        console.log('This command should create a new paragraph');
        callGoogleAPIScript(myToken, 'newParagraph');
        formatingMode = false;
if (cmd && commands.hasOwnProperty(cmd)) {
    commands[cmd](); // needed [cmd] because split words
} else {
    console.log('Command dosen't exist');
    formatingMode = false;

Note: formatingMode is used for the service-worker to know that the command has been executed and can continue dictation.
While formatingMode !== false, I am still receiving text, but now I want to set specific characteristics for my commands, for example, currListType that tells which bullet list the user chose (circle, number, etc.). How can I wait for this variable to be set in the program and then run callGoogleAPIScript(myToken, ‘createBulletList’,currListType);?
I’ve tried using a promise right before calling callGoogleAPIScript , something like this:

function waitUntilListTypeSet() {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const checkListType = () => {
      if (currListType !== null) {
      } else {
        setTimeout(checkListType, 100);
    try {
    } catch (error) {

But from what I’ve read setTimeout is unreliable in service-worker + it doesn’t work for some reason ( my currListType is set correctly globally, but promise blocks)