Nothing is getting displayed on webpage while using ember.js

I am building a simple web application using ember.js ,but in the webpage ,nothing is displayed ,in the console the following error is being displayed.I am using mirage as the back end

rsvp.js:26 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'sentence')
    at Temp.title (post.js:10:1)
    at eval (mirage-esm.js:485:24)
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at sortAttrs (mirage-esm.js:481:22)
    at (mirage-esm.js:388:16)
    at (mirage-esm.js:7325:24)
    at EmberServer.create (mirage-esm.js:7397:30)
    at EmberServer.createList (mirage-esm.js:7466:31)
    at Object._default [as default] (default.js:9:1)
    at EmberServer.config (mirage-esm.js:7152:37

I am adding some files code here for the understanding ,

{{! app/templates/application.hbs }}
<div class ="jumbo">
<h2 id="title">
    My ember blog


posts.js under templates

{{page-title "Posts"}}

  {{#each @model as |post|}}

post.js under model folder in app

import Model, { attr } from '@ember-data/model';

export default class PostModel extends Model {
  @attr title;
  @attr body;
  @attr('date') publishedAt;

posts under routes in app folder

import Route from '@ember/routing/route';

export default class PostsRoute extends Route {
  model() {

posts.js under factories under mirage folder

import { Factory } from 'miragejs';

import faker from '@faker-js/faker';

export default Factory.extend({
  title() {
    return faker.lorem.sentence();

  body() {
    return faker.lorem.paragraph();

  publishedAt() {

So these are the files that I have used in this project .and if you know the structure of emp app ,you will be able to understand these files.
My ember-cli version is 3.24.0
node: 14.21.3
os: linux x64
Please help me in resolving this ,I am beginner in ember