Error: Magic RPC Error: [-32603] Internal error: Unsupported Magic Connect method. when using magic sdkk for authentication

The Problem:

The code bellow throws a Unhandled Runtime Error Error: Magic RPC Error: [-32603] Internal error: Unsupported Magic Connect method and I cannot figure out why.

node version : 18.12.1
magic-sdk version: ^8.1.1

import { Magic } from 'magic-sdk';

const magic = new Magic(process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_MAGIC_PUBLISHABLE_KEY);

try {

        magic.auth.loginWithMagicLink({ email });
        const didToken = await magic.auth.loginWithMagicLink({
                console.log({ didToken });
        } catch (error) {

I have tried downgrading the magic-sdk version to 8.1.1 with node version to 18.12.1 but the problem still persists

The expected behavior is for the code to send a magic link to the users email and the user should use that magic link to login into the application