Can jquery event delegation work with other javascript / jquery functions?

I was trying add a checking function according the value of #input-sample

some if ($('#input-sample').val() <= 0) or wtsoever.

lets say we had some input value, and some button like below:

<input id="input-sample" value="3"/>

<button class="btn btn-select">SELECT</button>
<button class="btn btn-select">SELECT</button>
<button class="btn btn-select">SELECT</button>

So I just create a function let the btn-select as able to click to do ajax request.


  e.preventDefault(); // stop click go to next page
    xxx, xxx, xxx, // some ajax
    success: function (response) {

    // **** BUT! I just update the '#input-value' 
      parseInt($('#input-sample').val() - 1)

I tried create other kinds of function like

$('#input-sample').change(function(){}); // no luck,
$('#input-sample').on('change', function(){}); // noluck,
$(document).on('change', '#input-sample', function(){}); // same no luck, 

Is there any function in javascript / jquery that check the value of the #input-sample ?