React render after effects from loading spinner

I have a React application with a loading spinner that goes away when an API call finishes. I have the loading spinner set up to render in my index file like this:

  if (isFinishedLoading === false) {
    return (

  return (
     {rest of code}

Where isFinishedLoading is false as set by useState. I call the needed API like this in useEffect:

useEffect(() => {
}, [])

and I call setIsFinishedLoading(true) inside of apiGET().

However, there is always a split second where the page is not fully rendered, it looks like some divs appear before others and the site flickers a little bit, it doesn’t look like a fully rendered site.

My question is: is this just a fact of using React that it will take a half second for the page to fully render? Or am I implementing my loading spinner in the wrong way?

I’ve tried a few things:

  1. Putting my setIsFinishedLoading(true) in a setTimeout(),
  2. Adding an additional loading flag to wait until all images are loaded like this: React: Show loading spinner while images load

Ideally, I’d be able to call something like img “onLoad” for divs, but that sounds a lot like useEffect() anyway. For what it’s worth, the application is in Gatsby.