window.innerHeight odd behavior on chrome mobile

I tested this odd behavior on new Pixel 7 Pro(Android 13) using chrome browser(110.0.5481.63).


I created a simple app that prints out window,innerWidth and window.innerHeight to the screen. I also experienced this behavior using this webpage (, (Disclaimer: not hosted by me)

on initial load without any user interaction when i enter the address and visit the site using Mobile Chrome on Android device (Pixel 7pro) the dimensions are 412×1101.

window inner dimensions on initial load without any user interaction

on interaction(tap or click refresh) it is 412 x 775

window inner dimensions son tap or click

and upon scroll as expected the address bar hides and the dimensions are 412 x 831.

window inner dimensions after scroll

Issue: Why is the initial height 1101 ? I would expect it to be 775 and on scroll when the address bar hides to be 831