Fetch api data on client side with nuxt3 when user clicks button and display in template

I’m pretty new to vuejs and nuxt and need a little help.

I am trying to fetch some sub menu items from an api when the “▾” is clicked on the ui. I want to show a pending icon while the data loads. The data only needs to be fetched once.

How can I use {data, pending, error} values from nuxt’s useFetch in the template if they are not created until the method is called?

I get reference errors using the below example. I have also tried setting some empty refs as placeholders and updating them once data has been returned but this didn’t work.

    <NuxtLink :to="url">
        {{ label }}
        <span @click.prevent="getChildren()">▾</span>

    <!-- Submenu -->
    <div v-if="isExpanded" @click="isExpanded = !isExpanded">
        <div>{{ subMenuItems }}</div>

<script setup>

    const props = defineProps({
        label: String,
        url: String,

    // Expand sub items
    const isExpanded = ref(false);
    const handleExpand = () => {
        isExpanded.value = !isExpanded.value;

    // Fetch sub items.
    const getChildren = () => {
        const { data: subMenuItems } = useLazyFetch(() => '/api/items', {
            server: false,