How to change the icon of NWJS APP on taskbar?

Ive tried 64, 32px, 24px, 16px FAVICON.png in the same DIR as the manifest file. No luck. I also tried and ICO with ever 32bit size.



    "main": "INDEX.html",
    "name": "cacluclator",
    "description": "NWJS SMART CALCULATOR",
    "version": "00.00.00",
    "keywords": [ "SMART CALCULATOR", "INSECURITY" ],

    "window": {

        "title": "SMART CALCULATOR",
        "icon": "FAVICON 32.png",

        "frame": false,
        "toolbar": true,
        "transparent": true,
        "position": "center",

        "height": 500,
        "min_height": 500,
        "max_height": 500,

        "width": 400,
        "min_width": 400,
        "max_width": 400


    "webkit": {

      "plugin": true

