How to display the content of a JSON array?

My Django app sends through AJAX POST/GET communications arrays representing parts of my DB. As you can see on the picture, this is a typical array with all the objects. The objects represent a messages to integrate in a chat box. Just to clarify, the amount of objects might vary, so I need a loop function or smthg to display all the objects within the response array .

Therefore, I need to display these arrays, combining HTML and JS.

This is my exact AJAX Json response


    <div id="display"></div>


            type: 'GET',
            url : "/checkview",
            success: function(response){
                for (var models_to_return in response.message)
                    var temp="<div class='container darker'><b>"+response.messages[models_to_returney].user_id+"</b><p>"+response.messages[models_to_return].room+"</p><span class='time-left'>"+response.messages[models_to_return].datetime+"</span></div>";
            error: function(response){
                //alert('An error occured')

But nothing is displaying.