Regex pattern, optional plus character at start of line not matching

I am trying to control a text input field in a react application by only allowing an empty string, digits or an optional plus character at the start.

The regex pattern I am using is the following:

export const phoneNumberTestPattern = new RegExp('^\+?\d+?$');

This pattern is used to test the inputs value whenever the input is changed

onChange={ (e) => {
    if ( === '' || phoneNumberTestPattern.test( {

The pattern is working correctly for allowing only digits. But the optional plus character at the start is not being matched when the onChange event parameter returns a + value as

The does return the + as a value when typed in, but the test pattern does not recognize it as something that matches so the field.onChange method is never fired.

I dont understand what the reason for this is, and why the pattern is not matching a plus character at the start of the string being sent to it. Could it be possible the value I am sending to the test pattern is a string and I am trying to match it against a plus operator ?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.