I want to scrape the Reactjs Website but I’m failed on fetching dynamic images on click event

I’m trying to scrape the website but I want to fetch the images on puppeteer and cheerio. I’m facing issues fetching images because the images changed on the click event

Website name: Work Wear Express

In the above URL, there is an image with the pagination and When I click on the pagination links the image source changes. so I want to click on the pagination links and scrape the images.

That’s My Code:

const productImage_Selector = "img.ProductGallery-galleryImage-20_"; //image selector
const productImages = $(productImage_Selector);
const elements = await page.$$('ul.ProductGallery-galleryThumbsList-3sE li'); //paginnation selector
console.log("length:", elements.length) //checking the length of paginations

  for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
    console.log("loop start")
    await elements[i].click();
    await page.waitForTimeout(10000);
    content = page.content();
    await content.then(async success => {
      $ = cheerio.load(success);
      console.log("in load success")
      console.log("loop index:", i);
      console.log("check: ", productImages.length)
      console.log("image: ", productImages.attribs['data-src'])
    await page.evaluate(() => {
        top: 0,
        behavior: 'smooth'