Yup keeps running validators on the same property when .required() is false

I’m a bit confused about how yup is working.

I have the following schema to validate the register

export const registerValidationSchema = yup.object().shape({
    first_name: yup.string().trim().required(),
    last_name: yup.string().trim().required(),
    date_of_birth: yup.string().required().test('DOB', 'You must be at least 18 to register', value => {
        return value.setFullYear(value.getFullYear() + 18) < Date.now()
    email: yup.email().trim().required()

When the object to validate is the following

const data = {
    email: "[email protected]"

The validation will crash because value is undefined and the function value.setFullYear will fail. But why? I assume that yup will stop this line on .required() part and go to the next property.

I know the issue can be fixed by adding if(!value) return false; inside .test() but what’s the point of the required function?

From the yup documentation:

string.required(message?: string | function): Schema

The same as the mixed() schema required, except that empty strings are also considered ‘missing’ values.

mixed.required(message?: string | function): Schema

Mark the schema as required, which will not allow undefined or null as a value. Note that unless a schema is marked as nullable() a null value is treated as a type error, not a missing value. Mark a schema as mixed().nullable().required() treat null as missing.

So I read this as an undefined, null or '' value should fail on the .required() rule.