create if suitescript have limits

I want to create an if function in netsuite where the condition is
if the number is less than 2000000 then the value is T. if the number is less than 10000000 then the value is T. but if the numbers are 2000000 the value is F

 *@NApiVersion 2.x
 *@NScriptType UserEventScript
 *@author Test 
    function (serverWidget, record, runtime, search){
        function beforeSubmit(context){
                var newRecord = context.newRecord;
                var type = context.type;
                if (type == context.UserEventType.CREATE || type == context.UserEventType.EDIT){
                    var subTotal = newRecord.getValue({
                if(subTotal < 2000000 || subTotal < 10000000){
                        fieldId: 'custbody_me_trans_code',
                        value: true,
                        ignoreFieldChange: true
                else if(subTotal = 2000000){
                        fieldId: 'custbody_me_trans_code',
                        value: false,
                        ignoreFieldChange: true
            catch (error){
                    log.debug("error", error);
                    throw "Something Error " + error;
        function afterSubmit(context) { 

            try {
                log.debug("After Submit")
            catch (error) {
                log.debug("error", error);
                throw "Something Error " + error;
        return {
            beforeSubmit: beforeSubmit,
            afterSubmit: afterSubmit

I made an if condition but 2000000 still becomes F because less than 10000000. Thanks for helping