How to load a function on a node.js module import?

import { Sequelize, QueryTypes, DataTypes } from "sequelize";

const sequelize = new Sequelize("sqlite::memory:", {
  pool: {
    max: 5, // max conns.; default 5
    min: 0, // min conns.; default 0
    acquire: 30000, // maximum time (in ms) that a connection can be idle before throwing an error; default 30000
    idle: 10000, // max time (in ms) that a connection can be idle before being released; default 10000

console.log("LOADING: inside db.ts");

export const populateDb = async () => {
  try {
    console.log("START: creating table(s)");

    const User = sequelize.define(
        userKey: {
          type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
          autoIncrement: true,
          primaryKey: true,
        name: {
          type: DataTypes.STRING,
          allowNull: false,
        username: {
          type: DataTypes.STRING,
          allowNull: false,
        freezeTableName: true, // enforces that table name = model name

    // sync method creates table
    await User.sync({ force: true });
    console.log("COMPLETE: table(s) (re)created");

    console.log("START: populating database");

    // statement: sequelize.models.User === User

    const u1 = await sequelize.models.User.create({
      username: "gary",
      name: "Gary",

    const u2 = await sequelize.models.User.create({
      username: "chris",
      name: "Christine",

    console.log("COMPLETE: database populated");

    return true;
  } catch {
    console.log("FAILURE: did not populate database");

    return false;

async () => await populateDb();

export default sequelize;

I’m trying to run populateDb() when the module first loads via my import. Attempting to run the async func. isn’t working in my example.

I only need it to load once and of course on reloads. Is there a way to do this? Ideally, I’d like to wait until until sequelize fully loads, but I don’t see any hooks in the documentation to allow for this.