Use If statement within $$eval to test variable

I’m trying to extract text from a website using Puppeteer. So far I wrote the following code which is working but the “if” within $$eval doesn’t.
What I’m trying to do is to check if order_total is empty and in that case extract it from a different position but it doesn’t work.

let orders = await page.$$eval('.order-item', elements => => {
    let order_date = item.innerText.split('n')[1];
    let order_ID = (item.innerText.split('n')[2]).replace('Order ID: ', '');
    let store_name = item.innerText.split('n')[5];
    let order_total = item.innerText.split('n')[9];
    if (item.innerText.split('n')[9] == '') {
        order_total = item.innerText.split('n')[7]
    return {

My problem is that sometimes “order_total” with element 9 is empty and I would like to extract it from element 7 which in that case would have what I’m looking for.

Could you please help me to understand what I’m doing wrong?

Thanks a lot in advance for your help!