Pug templating: how to use inline ternary conditional for text

How do I use a ternary conditional in a pug template for swapping text in a button?

This is what I have now…

p editing: #{editing}
// outputs true or false correctly for 'editing' value

button.btn(type='submit') #{editing ? 'Edit' : 'Add'} Product
// always outputs "Edit Product" text for button, regardless of 'editing' value

I’ve tried a number of possible solutions and searched high and low here and within pug documentation to no avail. Most ternary examples I find are for setting values for attributes, and I need to do it for text. I don’t want to do a multi-line IF/ELSE statement where I have to write two entire buttons to switch between, when it’s only a one-word difference. Any and all help appreciated.