What is the best way to combine two arrays using javascript?

I’m going to write a function that creates an array like this

[“0-AA”, “0-BB”, “1-AA”, “1-BB”, “2-AA”, “2-BB”, “3-AA”, “3-BB”]

This function, to be exact, is a combination of the following two arrays with a separator ‘-‘.
ex) arr1 = [0,1,2,3] (number) arr2 = [“AA”, “BB] (produce code)

The result is always equal to the product of the length of the two arrays
The size of both arrays is subject to change
The first array is always an integer

So I first created an integer array of the length that I wanted, as shown below

const arrArray.from({ length: 17 }, (_, i) => i + 1)

I want to know a good way to combine the arrays according to the rules. Is it possible to write with an array-only function such as map, concat, etc. without repetitive statements such as for statements?