upload form-data with no file(image) in react native

I am trying to call a form-data content type API, where image is optional. That is working in postman as shown in below picture.enter image description here

I am trying like below way

        let body = new FormData()

        if (imageData != null) {
            body.append('image', {
                uri: imageData.uri,
                name: imageData.fileName,
                type: imageData.type
        } else {
            body.append('image', new Blob([]))

            // body.append('image', null)  -> tried

            // body.append('image', "")  -> tried

            // -> tried
            // body.append('image', {
            //     uri: "",
            //     name: "",
            //     type: ""
            // })

            // -> tried
            // body.append('image', {
            //     uri: ""
            // })

How can i call API just like that is showed in the postman image. Without selecting an Image.