Update React to 16.8.0

I’m new to Javascript/TypeScript.
I just started working on a React TSX project. I tried to update React from 16.3.1 to 16.8.0 so I can use React hooks.

Therefore I executed npm install [email protected] [email protected] and npm install @types/[email protected] @types/[email protected] This worked fine and I did not get any errors.

After executin npm start I got the error .../node_modules/@types/prop-types/index.d.ts (33,47): Cannot find name 'T'. prop-types is not a direct dependency of my project. Therefore I don’t understand how I’m supposed to fix this. Have you any proposals how I should aproach this problem?

As far as I understand it it is an issue with TypeScript. because the error is in the @types directory. The Typescript version is 2.7.2.

Thanks for your help.