Update object in useState works only once

I’m trying to update the selected object from my useState called choosenProducts and it works fine but only if it has an object, having more than one doesn’t work anymore and it sends me the error:

Uncaught ReferenceError: Cannot access ‘newQuantity’ before

This is my code:

    const onChangeQuantityHandler = (id, e) => { 
      const newQuantity = chosenProducts.map( p => {
        if(p._id === id){
          return {
            ...p, quantity:e, subtotal: e * p.price 
        return newQuantity


My input:

<input type="number" value={product.quantity} onChange={ (e)=> onChangeQuantityHandler(product._id, e.target.value)  }/> 

I don’t understand why it only works once with a single object. Thanks for your help.