Riot API problem with missing modules TLS, NET, DNS

i have big problem with my project, when i’m uploading riot api to my file

import { RiotAPI, RiotAPITypes, PlatformId } from "@fightmegg/riot-api";

and trying to use it, exactly like on github, i get insta error in console, which shows that i don’t have modules : tls, net, dns. I tried to install them and import, but it was still error.
I’m trying to find user, by world and nickname so i’m using this code

    const config: RiotAPITypes.Config = {
  debug: false,
  cache: {
    cacheType: "local", // local or ioredis
    client: `localhost:3000/settings`, // leave null if client is local
    ttls: {
      byMethod: {

const rAPI = new RiotAPI("RGAPI-37aee947-8e88-4f4c-b420-f7828d58e815", config);

(async () => {
  const rAPI = new RiotAPI("RGAPI-37aee947-8e88-4f4c-b420-f7828d58e815");

  const summoner = await rAPI.summoner.getBySummonerName({
    region: PlatformId.EUW1,
    summonerName: "Demos Kratos",

and problem which i see looks like this :

Module not found: Can’t resolve ‘net’

Import trace for requested module:

Module not found: Can’t resolve ‘tls’

Import trace for requested module:

Module not found: Can’t resolve ‘dns’

Import trace for requested module: