Retries with got

This is a simple script to test the retry functionality of the got library.
The code works and it retries if you add an invalid url (I’m using an invalid url for test), but it won’t stop trying after the set limit (5 attemps).
I followed the documentation on GitHub; is the problem related on the status code returned by the server (error message: Bad response: 502)? If that were the case, if you try with another valid url (I don’t have anyone) or simple disconnect your pc from the network (it throws the error connect ENETUNREACH) then you get an error that should be valid for the limit purpose (as indicated in the documentation).
Where is the error?

import got from "got";
import { HttpsProxyAgent, HttpsProxyAgentOptions } from "hpagent";

async function gotDownloader() {
  let proxyParametersSetup: HttpsProxyAgentOptions = {
    keepAlive: true,
    keepAliveMsecs: 1000,
    maxSockets: 256,
    maxFreeSockets: 256,
    scheduling: "lifo",
    proxy: "http://_put_your_proxy_url_here:port",

  const proxyParameters = {
    agent: {
      https: new HttpsProxyAgent({ ...proxyParametersSetup }),

  type RetryCounter = {
    [key: string]: number;
  const retryCounter: RetryCounter = {};

  const url = "";
  // const url = "https://www.www.www"; // wrong url to test
  try {
    let gotIstance = got.extend({
      retry: {
        limit: 5,
        calculateDelay({ error }) {
          let valueToReturn = 0;
          let counter;
          if (!retryCounter[url]) {
            counter = retryCounter[url] = 1;
          } else {
            counter = retryCounter[url]++;
          if (error.code !== "200") {
              `ERROR with code ${error.code} - error message: ${error.message} - parametersForDataDownload: ${url} - counter: ${counter}`
            valueToReturn = 1000;
          } else {
              `NOT 200 ERROR - code ${error.code} - error message: ${error.message} - parametersForDataDownload: ${url} - counter: ${counter}`
            valueToReturn = 0;
          return valueToReturn;
        methods: ["GET"],
    let jsonDataFromUrl = await gotIstance(encodeURI(url), {
    return true;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error(`GOT DOWNLOADER ERROR with url: ${url} - Error: ${error}`);
    return false;

gotDownloader().then((returnedValue) => {
  if (returnedValue) {
    console.log(`OK-->resolve: ${returnedValue}`);
  } else {
    console.log(`KO-->reject: ${returnedValue}`);