getting the names of customers who id is more than 1500? From sorting this array…I.E homework question

Here is the problem: recieve an array produce an array with the persons name and number of products id above 1500 and if they are below 1500 (1436 – 1600 ) you cant include them.

 customers = [ { name :" stacy "  
        age : "45"
        products ordered id : "1500 - 1600"
       name : "ashley"
       age : "87"
       products ordered id : "1455 - 1660"
       name: " gabrielle"
       age : "67"
       products orderes id : "1568 -1600"


I need to return there name of the customers who order is more than > 1500
This is a homework question.. the format may be off but this is exactly how they gave it to me.