PurgeCSS: how to match css with backslash

I am using csspurge using the config file. I have css written as
lg:right-40 and in js it is referred as lg:right-40.
in js backslash is escaped hence purgecss is not able identify all the that contain


.lg:right-40 {
    right: 10rem;
.lg:right-44 {
    right: 11rem;
.lg:right-48 {
    right: 12rem;
.lg:right-52 {
    right: 13rem;
.lg:right-56 {
    right: 14rem;


   const TailwindExtractor = (content) => {
  // Treat every word in the bundle as a CSS selector
  return content.match(/[w-/\:]+(?<!:)/g) || []
    new PurgeCSS().purge({
      content: ['./src/**/*.jsx', './src/**/*.js'],
      css: ['./src/login/tailwind_backup.css'],
      extractors: [{
        extractor: TailwindExtractor,
        extensions: ['js', 'jsx'],
      output: './src/login/tailwind.css'

I want to match css classes with with js classes without